This Measures How Close a Biometric Reading Is to a Prerecorded Template:

Eric Conrad , ... Joshua Feldman , in Eleventh Hour CISSP (2nd Edition), 2014

Type iii hallmark: something you are

Type 3 hallmark (something yous are) is biometrics, which uses physical characteristics as a ways of identification or authentication. Biometrics may exist used to plant an identity or to authenticate (evidence an identity merits). For example, an airport facial recognition arrangement may be used to constitute the identity of a known terrorist, and a fingerprint scanner may be used to authenticate the identity of a bailiwick (who makes the identity claim and then swipes his or her finger to prove it).

Biometric enrollment and throughput

Enrollment describes the procedure of registering with a biometric system: creating an account for the first fourth dimension. Users typically provide their username (identity), a password or PIN, and and so provide biometric information, such as swiping fingerprints on a fingerprint reader or having a photograph taken of their irises. Enrollment is a former process that should take 2   minutes or less.

Throughput describes the procedure of authenticating to a biometric system. This is also called the biometric system response time. A typical throughput is 6-10   seconds.

Accuracy of biometric systems

The accurateness of biometric systems should be considered earlier implementing a biometric control program. Iii metrics are used to guess biometric accuracy: the False Reject Rate (FRR), the Imitation Accept Rate (FAR), and the Crossover Error Rate (CER).

Simulated decline charge per unit

A false rejection occurs when an authorized discipline is rejected by the biometric organization as unauthorized. Faux rejections are also chosen a Type I error. False rejections cause frustration of the authorized users, reduction in work due to poor access conditions, and expenditure of resources to revalidate authorized users.

Simulated take rate

A false acceptance occurs when an unauthorized subject is accustomed as valid. If an system'due south biometric control is producing a lot of simulated rejections, the overall control might have to lower the accuracy of the organization by lessening the amount of information it collects when authenticating subjects. When the data points are lowered, the organization risks an increase in the simulated acceptance rate. The organization risks an unauthorized user gaining access. This blazon of fault is also called a Type Two error.

Crisis Fourth dimension

A false have is worse than a false reject: most organizations would adopt to turn down authentic subjects to accepting impostors. FARs (Type II errors) are worse than FRRs (Type I errors). Two is greater than one, which will help you call up that FAR is Type Two, which are worse than Blazon I (FRRs).

Crossover Error Rate

The Crossover Error Rate (CER) describes the signal where the Fake Reject Rate (FRR) and Fake Accept Rate (FAR) are equal. CER is also known equally the Equal Error Rate (EER). The Crossover Error Rate describes the overall accuracy of a biometric system.

As the sensitivity of a biometric system increases, FRRs will ascension and FARs will drop. Conversely, every bit the sensitivity is lowered, FRRs will drib and FARs will rising. Effigy 1.2 shows a graph depicting the FAR versus the FRR. The CER is the intersection of both lines of the graph as shown in Effigy 1.two, based on the ISACA Biometric Auditing Guide, G36. 5

Effigy 1.2. Crossover error rate.

Types of biometric controls

There are a number of biometric controls used today. Below are the major implementations and their specific pros and cons with regard to access control security.


Fingerprints are the well-nigh widely used biometric command bachelor today. Smartcards can bear fingerprint information. Many U.S. Regime part buildings rely on fingerprint hallmark for physical access to the facility. Examples include smart keyboards, which require users to present a fingerprint to unlock the reckoner'due south screen saver.

The data used for storing each person's fingerprint must be of a small enough size to exist used for authentication. This data is a mathematical representation of fingerprint minutiae, specific details of fingerprint friction ridges, which include whorls, ridges, bifurcation, and others. Effigy 1.3 shows minutiae types (from left) bifurcation, ridge ending, cadre, and delta. six

Figure 1.3. Fingerprint minutiae. 10

Retina browse

A retina scan is a laser browse of the capillaries that feed the retina of the back of the eye. This can seem personally intrusive because the light beam must straight enter the pupil, and the user ordinarily needs to press their center up to a laser scanner eyecup. The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation scan maps the blood vessels of the retina. Wellness information of the user tin can exist gained through a retina scan: atmospheric condition such as pregnancy and diabetes tin can exist determined, which may heighten legitimate privacy issues. Considering of the need for close proximity of the scanner in a retina scan, substitution of actual fluids is possible when using retina scanning as a means of admission control.

Test Warning

Retina scans are rarely used considering of health risks and invasion-of-privacy problems. Alternatives should be considered for biometric controls that risk exchange of actual fluid or raise legitimate privacy concerns.

Iris browse

An iris browse is a passive biometric command. A photographic camera takes a motion picture of the iris (the colored portion of the middle) and then compares photos within the hallmark database. This also works through contact lenses and glasses. Each person's two irises are unique, even twins' irises. Benefits of iris scans include high-accuracy, passive scanning (which may exist accomplished without the subject'due south knowledge), and no substitution of actual fluids.

Paw geometry

In paw geometry biometric command, measurements are taken from specific points on the discipline's hand: "The devices use a uncomplicated concept of measuring and recording the length, width, thickness, and surface expanse of an individual'southward manus while guided on a plate." seven Hand geometry devices are adequately uncomplicated and can shop data in every bit little every bit 9 bytes.

Keyboard dynamics

Keyboard dynamics refers to how hard a person presses each key and the rhythm by which the keys are pressed. Surprisingly, this type of access control is cheap to implement and tin can exist constructive. As people larn how to type and use a estimator keyboard, they develop specific habits that are difficult to impersonate, although not impossible.

Dynamic signature

Dynamic signatures measure the process by which someone signs his or her name. This process is similar to keyboard dynamics, except that this method measures the handwriting of the subjects while they sign their proper noun. Measuring time, force per unit area, loops in the signature, and beginning and catastrophe points all help to ensure the user is authentic.


A voiceprint measures the subject's tone of voice while stating a specific sentence or phrase. This type of access control is vulnerable to replay attacks (replaying a recorded vocalization), so other access controls must be implemented forth with the voiceprint. 1 such control requires subjects to state random words, protecting confronting an attacker playing prerecorded specific phrases. Some other event is people'south voices may substantially change due to illness, resulting in a simulated rejection.

Facial scan

Facial scan technology has profoundly improved over the past few years. Facial scanning (also chosen facial recognition) is the process of passively taking a picture show of a bailiwick'southward face and comparing that picture to a list stored in a database. Although not oftentimes used for biometric authentication control due to the high cost, law enforcement and security agencies employ facial recognition and scanning technologies for biometric identification to ameliorate security of loftier-valued, publicly accessible targets.


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